A great site to help with Depression. I have always known that no one is perfect and only God is. So what i am going through doesn't mean i am broken or perfect it does mean that i am human. I need to look on the brighter side of things.
I know it helps when i keep myself busy so bringing my sons to the Y and church gives me that time to get out and be around people. It has been easier since we started going to the Y and started to work out together. I don't feel as angry or tired. I know that going out and doing things helps me with my Depression their are times were i feel like i really don't want to go out today.
The one thing i need to get control over is my anger and my short fuse. I hate to take pills and yah some of it can be that it is pride, but if it can help me with my anger than i need to talk to the doctor and get pills. I have been reading other blogs were moms have to do it for them and their family. Its about changing and not being the same anymore.
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